At Cardozo High School, we pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive and immersive experience in journalism and media. Our program provides students with a diverse array of courses that cover all realms of the field, from news reporting and feature writing to multimedia storytelling and broadcasting.

In our program, we believe in the power of journalism to inform, inspire, and ignite change. Our program fosters critical thinking, ethical reporting, and a commitment to truth, preparing students not only for success in journalism but also for active, informed citizenship. Our students explore the stories that shape our world and hone their skills in a vibrant and supportive learning environment.

Whether you're interested in print journalism, digital media, or yearbook production, our curriculum is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to excel in today's fast-paced media landscape.

Our dedication to excellence has been recognized through numerous awards for our publications and yearbook. These accolades are a testament to the hard work and creativity of our talented students and the guidance of our exceptional teachers.

Our faculty brings a wealth of experience from diverse backgrounds, including careers as professional journalists in various sectors of the industry. They are passionate about sharing their expertise and mentoring the next generation of storytellers.